Peckham WI and Reskinned

Peckham Women’s Institute is a group of women from Peckham and the local area, who get together once a month to have fun, make new friends, learn new skills, support the Peckham community, and - most importantly – eat cake! We are very excited to be once again part of Peckham Festival. 

The Peckham Women’s Institute are passionate about sustainable practices, and we aim to use our platform to contribute and create awareness about climate change, as part of the wider national WI campaign.  Excitingly we have teamed up with Reskinned to offer a clothes recycling point alongside our stall.  We accept all clothing - as long as it’s clean!

Reskinned makes it easy for brands and customers to participate fully in a circular clothing economy, working to create a more sustainable clothing world. Their mission is to dress the future better, linking up existing solutions with new tech ideas to create more options for people and brands , to rehome unwanted clothes, through resale, repair, and innovative recycling. They are realising a more sustainable fashion future.


Festive Fixes from Pexmas


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