Top Tips for Market Applications

Market Application season is upon us! Before you know it operators, venues and event managers will be dropping their Christmas market dates and the pressure to make the most of the seasonal enthusiasm for shopping will have all of us small business folk firmly in its grip. 

Our previous blog post talks about trying to fend off that pressure by only applying to markets that are really right for your brand and products. It gives some criteria you might want to consider in identifying those, so let’s assume you’ve done that and know where you want to apply. The question we get asked most in our trader chats is about what comes next - how to make the most of your application and get accepted by the markets you really want to trade at. 

Sadly we don’t have a magic wand and there are a lot of factors at play for operators selecting what they hope will be the best mix of stalls for them at any given event. But over the past decade of markets we have read thousands and thousands of applications, so here are our top tips to make sure your application is at the very least competitive, enjoyed by the person assessing it, and showing off your brand to its best advantage. 

  1. READ THE MARKET INFO PACK - at Pexmas, we give every bit of info you need about every market we run at the application stage. Not everyone does this but most markets give a lot of detail about what the event is, who it’s for and at least some of the logistics. Do read it really thoroughly when you apply to make sure your proposal fits the requirements and to avoid asking unnecessary questions. But if you need to know something and haven’t got that info already, do ask, don’t assume! Address all the points in the application info that they talk about when it comes to the event theme and audiences so you can be clear about why this particular market is definitely the one for you. And if options are given, be crystal clear about which thing you are applying for. 

  2. Technical Correctness - Pernickety-ness over grammar, spelling and the like should hopefully be a thing of the past and in our minds, applications should be assessed on what you’re saying not how you say it, but there are some spellings that are super important to check, or get a mate to look over if you know that’s not your forte. It’s really vital that you have copied down your email, website and social media info correctly. You might be surprised how many times we get the “404pagenotfound” or an email that bounces back. If we can’t look you up online or we can’t communicate easily with you, we might have to move on to the next applicant. 

  3. Values Check - Why is this operator running markets, and specifically this market? Have a look at the website, info pack, socials of the operator you are applying with. What do they care about? Explain to them in your stall info how you will help them fulfil their mission. At Pexmas we are passionate about small businesses of all kinds and about creating moments for communities to come together and make connections. We bang on about supporting our local economy, about safe welcoming spaces for all people and about building networks to find new opportunities and share resources. Yes you want to go to market to sell your products and make money, of course you do, but what else do you get out of it?

  4. 10 Things You Love About You - A little cheat sheet goes a long way! What are 10 things (or 5 things or however many things) that are fundamental, special or unique about you and your business? Have them in front of you while you write your applications and make sure you share the most relevant ones in the appropriate sections. Answers don’t need to be long but they do need to POP with what makes YOU different to other brands in your product category.  Consider your own background, your previous experience, your family set up, your personal inspirations, your design and making process, your personality, where else you sell, what you do with the money you make, what passions and priorities you have brought into your business and so on. The questions will vary a little from market to market, but everyone wants to know your story, what you care about and what the customers are going to enjoy about shopping with you. 

  5. Images &/ Instagram - A final practical one. Sometimes operators ask you to send in images, sometimes like us they will just want to see your instagram. Whichever way it goes we recommend having 3 good quality photos ready for application season saved on your devices or pinned to the top of insta. They don’t have to be professionally taken, but they need to be clear, not blurry, appropriately staged or cropped, and high enough res to see the details, but small enough to email without killing the receiver’s inbox, if that is what you have been asked! We think these make a nice selection:

    • You with your product/s - with a caption telling your story, why you started the brand and what you enjoy about running your business. 

    • Your top product/s - the most saleable, the most unique, the most relevant for the season or the theme of the market. 

    • Your stall layout - what does your display look like? What can operators expect from your brand at market - and if this is on instagram it also helps online customers to spot you at a market IRL!

What are your top application tips? Any great advice you’ve had from other operators or other traders? Wishing you all a very successful market application season - and we hope to be reading applications from some of you in the very near future! 


5 Essential Market Trading Items


‘Tis the season! How to choose which markets to apply for?